Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday rain

I have followed the pattern of when it rains. It will rain in the beginning of the week and then die out about end of the weekday- getting beautiful for the weekend. Its just amazing the beauty of God that is all around me. It is the spring/ summer season and its wet. In the winter is it dry apparently, but with water comes life and a new start. These pass few days have been hectic trying to catch up on homework and going to class, but God has been amazing and given me strength.
Today was another visit to one of the service sites to chose from to work at for a month. It was place where they hold a children's after school program, and they help the community by teaching them different life skills. Afterwards I was able to buckle down and get a good portion of work done for some classes. This week I will be able to go with 24 other students and send two days in a Zulu home, eating authentic food and spending time learning about their culture. I am a little intimated because my Zulu speaking skills are a limited. But it will be a great time to finally get out there and learn hands on.

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