Thursday, September 24, 2009


It is amazing how rain and sunshine can change rapidly in the midst of a couple of days here. Just on Sunday it was hot and then the pass few days it has been cold and wet. But today is another lovely morning with sun!! I am going on a safari for a biology practical. It is so awesome to be able to do hands on work for a class. This reserve is said to be a very personal one, where the wild life will be very close and "personal". I can't wait to see a giraffe up close. They are curious, which is great because so am I :]

1 comment:

  1. lol This one is funny what a site these would be. I can see you with the giraffe now. He looking down at you and you looking Up at him. lol wow that would be something. Well enjoy your self Girl. Oh keep your head up at all times ok Gods has your back at all time s later girl.
