Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rainy day in Haniville

I never thought that I was going to create a blog- ever. But I saw how nifty it is and helpful in keeping everyone updated. Today is the second day of week two. It was beautiful on Saturday and Sunday then suddenly it got wet and colder. But today was fascinating, I got to drive through a Township called Haniville just a few miles away from the center that I am staying at. Little tin houses made of mud and wood trying to hold together as the rain comes. I couldn't really register what I was feeling or thinking at the time. But it was hard to think that people live in these conditions day to day. We were at Haniville to visit our first service site that we could choose to work at during October and November. It was a small building that was created for a children's ministry that flourished into helping the people of the township in Haniville provide for themselves through different kinds of programs. It was so intriguing to know what God is doing with this ministry so far.


  1. wow that great to here. I believe that His work has only just begun. Be good Out there girl. Later

  2. A youth ministry worker from our church will be flying there in May 2010. Do you have some pictures to share. I want to create a small slide-show to help raise funds for her trip there. thanks for your help God speed
