Sunday, November 15, 2009

What a Sunday

My second to last Sunday here in PMB then its off to Cape Town! Its wrapping up so quickly! But today was another great Sunday. It started off with church at New Life which is an Indian church I started going to. The pastor had a great message about what goes wrong with interpersonal communications. It was very insightful and helpful in understanding why we have communication breakdowns. Then one of my girls from my D group that I am co-leading spoke about Mary washing Jesus' feet and how she felt so grateful for the miracle that happened with her brother Lazarus. She is showing her all when she does this to Christ. It was a great mini sermon.

After church we had lunch which was spicy but delicious! Then I went to the mall to do a bit of shopping for some necessities. After that I was just completely busy with going to another Indian family's house for some tea and to drop off a gift.
But I really enjoyed this Sunday even though I didn't rest. I got to spend time with friends and enjoyed different foods for a change.

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