Monday, December 21, 2009

Three days back

I've to say that its been hard trying to adjust to what used to be familiarity. But I see things in a new perspective. My life isn't about me anymore. Some of the scales on my eyes have been removed since coming back from South Africa. There are lots of things that I am still processing, trying to figure out what it all meant.

I know the last day, saying goodbye to everyone was so difficult. I told one of my cultural mentors I would cry my eyes out. I did. I kept hugging everyone trying to get the last bits of them before I could never see them or hug them again. This was the most bitter part of it all. Saying goodbye.
But God is good. He really is good. And one day, I will return.

I had to take four flights just to get home. By the last one I just wanted to be out of the airplane. It was so weird coming home to winter. It was beautiful in Ontario. When I saw the mountains I felt like I was home.
Everyone was so happy to have me back. It felt good to have everyone say so. And now I am trying to figure out what to do with myself now that I don't have class or some excursion to go on.
I think I will just rest and think.

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